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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Contact An Experienced Vioxx Lawyer For Injuries From This Drug

Are you looking for an attorney because you feel you are a victim of the once popular drug Vioxx? An experienced Vioxx lawyer can help you file a claim and will fight for your rights to receive compensation for the injuries you received while taking Vioxx.

The FDA approved anti-inflammatory non-steroidal NSAID drug Vioxx, chemically referred to as rofecoxib, was introduced in 1999 for the treatment of menstrual pain as well as pain associated with various forms of arthritis in adults and children. Since the introduction of Vioxx, it was taken by millions of people in an effort to reduce pain and inflammation before the manufacturer, Merck & Company, voluntarily withdrew it from the market due to results of a long-term study.

Studies of FDA approved Vioxx indicated there was an increased risk of serious heart attacks and strokes. Before Vioxx was pulled from the market, over 140,000 people suffered strokes and heart attacks, and as many as 55,000 have died due to the insufficient study of the effects of this drug before it was approved by the FDA. In fact, it is claimed that Merck and Company was fully aware of the increased risk posed to those taking the drug.

If you are considering contacting a Vioxx lawyer, don't hesitate to do so. Contacting a Vioxx lawyer as soon as possible will raise your chances of a successful claim. After considering the circumstances, a Vioxx lawyer can advise clients as to the amount of compensation they stand to gain.

Many Vioxx users who have suffered injury due to the use of Vioxx have already contacted attorneys who specialize in Vioxx lawsuits. It's in the best interest of anyone who has been adversely affected by Vioxx to contact a qualified Vioxx lawyer who can offer advice regarding filing a claim against the manufacturer.

A Vioxx lawyer is well educated in legal aspects regarding Vioxx and the possibilities for recovering damages caused by its use. Don't take your case to just any attorney. An experienced Vioxx lawyer knows the loopholes, and they can offer advice as to the best course of action in your particular case.

Big drug companies such as Merck use the most highly skilled legal teams to stop claims against them. It is for this reason that people who have suffered illness or injury because of Vioxx should also use a highly skilled Vioxx lawyer. A Vioxx lawyer with prior legal experience in dealing with Vioxx claims will match the skills and abilities of legal teams hired by the drug manufacturer Merck.

It could be in your best interest to file a class action lawsuit as opposed to an individual lawsuit. An experienced Vioxx lawyer can advise you as to whether or not filing a class action lawsuit against the maker of Vioxx is in your best interest and the interest of your claim. If it is determined that a class action lawsuit is in your best interest, a Vioxx lawyer will advise you accordingly.

Choose a Vioxx lawyer to fight for your rights and secure the claim you and your family deserve. The overall success of your case against Merck is dependent on the skills of the attorney you choose, and a competent Vioxx lawyer will provide you with the best information and advice that will maximize your Vioxx injury claim.

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